What's Wrong with Worst-First Maintenance?

“We’ve always done it this way.” It’s a familiar statement that approves the Worst-First maintenance strategy again for the next fiscal year. Yet the same decision-makers would agree the same statement is a business killer even among multi-million dollar companies revealing a lack in vision to meet consumer demands.
And the demands on our roadways are increasing. DOT and FHWA data state since 1960, roughly 3.69 million registered vehicles are added each year, with a 8 million jump in 2000-2001. In 2007, the passenger vehicle count was 254.4 million. Can the same road maintenance strategy used since the 1960’s or earlier really meet the current increasing demand? U.S. roads are estimated as an 80 trillion dollar asset or 7 billion per day. As the number of vehicles on U.S. roads increase, the need for more roads kept in Good Condition increases, while reconstruction costs are also on the rise. So the way “we’ve always done it” Worst-First strategy–fix it, fix it, fix it, then reconstruct–does not protect your asset and is wasting more of your budget than you think. Take a Pro-active approach to pavement maintenance! Get ahead of the breakdown cycle and bypass the expensive temporary fixes and reconstruction costs. Our Solution: Preserve Good Condition pavements with Gilsonite Sealer Binder (GSB). GSB Sealer Binder out performs every other asphalt emulsion (polymer modified too) in wet track abrasion tests, increased permeability, reduced viscosity, and reduction of oxidation processes--and keeps asphalt pavement performing like new for many years–normally 2x as long as other processes. Gee Asphalt has pavements that have been on a continuous preservation program for 39 years and counting! GSB, as part of a proactive preservation program, has been proven to reduce pavement maintenance costs by up to 60%! Gee Asphalt offers the following services in Preservation/Preventative Maintenance: Gilsonite Sealer Binder (GSB) Crack Sealing Slurry Mac Let us show you how your maintenance strategy can become more effective save you money!