GSB® Preserves The Rolling Prairie Trail

The multi-use Rolling Prairie Trail is one of Franklin County’s most prized attractions. Visitors and donors expect the trail, which was formerly a railroad, to be a well-maintained outlet for year-round recreation and nature-lovers of all ages.
"Hi my name’s Ned Parker, I’m the director of Franklin County Conservation in Hampton, Iowa. We’re out here on The Rolling Prairie Trail, in the city limits of Hampton, looking at a recent application of GSB-88® put on by Gee Asphalt Systems.
The reason that we are so interested in this GSB-88® product is that we’re looking at ways to prolong the life of this bike trail.
It was installed in 2012 and we were getting to the point where we were starting to get a few cracks, so we started looking at different ways to extend its (trail) life.
I did some research and started looking into Gee Asphalt. The GSB-88® asphalt preservation product looked like a really good option for us and we are really excited to see how it goes (performs). We are hoping to get at least 25 years out of this asphalt, which if my understanding is correct, would not be possible if we hadn’t done any treatment on it.
About our department, Franklin County Conservation takes care of 17 miles of bike trail and about 4 miles of asphalt trails. The rest is crushed lime. We are also responsible for over 22 parks totaling over 2000 acres, so we have a lot to manage.
We have a lot of things to do with a limited budget and so we try to make the most of every dollar we do have. This (GSB-88®) is one of the ways we are hoping to save some money in the long run and avoid having to do a replacement.
Most of these trail systems are grant-funded for the actual construction. Then, with the various grants we have to sign a contract with a maintenance agreement. Some of them (grant-funded contracts) are 25 or 30 years.
With The Rolling Prairie Trail, we want to make sure to fulfill our end of that contract in maintaining this trail for at least 25 years. So, that’s another major reason that we decided to go ahead with the Gee Asphalt GSB-88® treatment." — Ned Parker, Director of Franklin County Conservation
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