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Seeing is Believing, GSB Works!

If you visit Gee’s headquarters in Cedar Rapids, Ia, we'll invite you on the Asphalt Preservation Tour. Because, we haven’t just recently expanded into Asphalt Preservation methods and can only speculate about their performance. No, we have been conducting independent research since the 1970s! Not only have our research results remained consistent, but similarstudies and findings conducted by expert entities including NAVFAC, FHWA, FAA, MDOT, and AZDOT have also proven the quantifiable benefits of Asphalt Preservation in sustaining the performance of asphalt pavements.

Case in point, Lakeside Drive: * Installed in 2001

* 100 yard test pavement area

* Left lane treated with GSB every 5 years, while Right lane remained untreated.

13 years later--the outcome is astounding!

Aggregates in the GSB lane remain tightly glued down while the lane itself appears to be from a much newer installation.

However, the untreated right lane is a real mess--severe cracking and raveling has allowed moisture and other elements to seep down and dry out the binder and completely weaken the pavement structure!

Both lanes are the same age, but it is clear the Right untreated lane, in Poor Condition, is nearing the end of it’s usefulness while the Left lane treated with GSB remains in Good Condition.

Here at Gee Asphalt, we have pavements that have been on a continuous asphalt preservation program for 40+ years and counting! See for yourself how GSB can sustain pavement life! Give us a call for a free quote and start sustaining your pavements today!

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© Copyright Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc.
National Headquarters

4715 6th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

We are the ONLY GSB-88® applicator with 45+ years of business and travel to projects nationwide.

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     Fax: 319.366.5592

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