Find the best Ice Prevention solutions for Your needs!
Premium Quality De-icers / Official Authorized Distributors Historically, pavement owner’s have reacted post-storm, allowing snowfall to accumulate and ice bonds to form, and then start the expensive and arduous process of clean up and removal–often taking days to complete, shutting down access for unbearable amounts of time. But, now there is a better proactive way to combat the unpredictable winter months: Anti-icing Applying an anti-icing treatment with liquid de-icer before the storm helps impede the formation of ice bonds during the storm. As temperatures fluctuate, treatments remain on the surface and continue to work. Studies have proven using de-icers can reduce removal effort by up to 10 to 1! Sometimes the intensity of storms catch us off-guard. De-icers, also, specifically Meltdown Absolute Zero, can act as a “bond breaker” after ice bonds have formed.

“Previously we used calcium chloride for our frost runs. This will be our fourth season using Caliber M1000. We like the performance and the residual between applications. I continue to use Caliber because it helps me sleep at night." –Kurt Bailey, County Engineer, Polk County Iowa “The use of MeltDown Liquid has allowed us to save $25,000.00 per year and eliminated the process of stripping and re-waxing floors every spring. This savings alone was large enough to cover the entire cost of our de-icer purchases for the entire winter season!” –Tom Pederson, Director of Operations, The Empire Mall

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