Asphalt Products and Services
Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc. provides a comprehensive suite of products and services that encompass an overall asphalt preservation strategy. Headquartered in the midwest, our team of professionals provide services all across the country.

Our Industry Partners at Michigan State University describe how pavement preservation is pothole prevention!
"Pothole Prevention is preventing potholes before they happen! By sealing cracks early on and using preservation treatments, potholes can be prevented."
– National Center for Pavement Preservation
Watch a video showing side-by-side comparison of one road:
one side treated with GSB-88 ®, and the other side left untreated.
The results are amazing!

Crack Sealing is performed after the fact, when your pavement has hardened and begun opening up allowing moisture to enter the base and support structure of your pavement. Once this occurs, the rate of deterioration and damage to your pavement and cost to repair will accelerate significantly unless you act quickly and with quality materials that are properly installed.
At Gee Asphalt, we install only the products we are 100% confident in. When it comes to crack sealant that means it must bond well to crack walls, be elastic enough to stretch without tearing apart in cold temperatures, and not crack when temps go up to 100 degrees or more. We routinely install hot applied crack sealants meeting ASTM 3405 standards manufactured by Crafco, W.R. Meadows, and Maxwell. We also install single and double component cold applied crack sealants during fringe season or southern climates.
As an added benefit to you, Gee Asphalt Systems will come to your location and conduct a training program to assist your organization in understanding and developing a preservation strategy tailored to your specific needs so you can protect your investment.
As an added benefit to you, Gee Asphalt Systems will come to your location and conduct a training program to assist your organization in understanding and developing a preservation strategy tailored to your specific needs so you can protect your investment.
Call us today! 1-800-747-8567

After the crack sealing and preservation work is complete, lining and traffic markings must be redone to add the finishing touch to your job. Striping and traffic markings are the most visible aspect of a pavement preservation project. By correctly striping paved surfaces, the safety, appearance and performance of markings is greatly enhanced.
We consider and monitor these important criteria before and during all striping projects:
being alert of local climate and forecast weather conditions
determining the condition and evenness of the pavement surface to accept paint
choosing proper paint for compatibility with intended use
applying the correct quantity of paint for superior wearability
using fast-drying paint to minimize drying time and speed re-opening
using color to suit the client's specifications
replacing/correcting desired traffic flow markings
complying with ADA requirements.
Markings will normally last about two seasons depending upon weather, climate, and traffic conditions. Higher volume traffic, abrasives and de-icer's can significantly reduce the performance of all traffic markings.
Occasionally there is a change of use and a need to re-configure traffic markings. Permanent removal is accomplished using rotary head diamond bit grinders designed specifically for this purpose. These cutters are designed to remove as much paint as possible while at the same time minimizing damage to pavement surfaces.