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GSB-88 ® : Modified Sealer Binder Emulsion

•Saves up to 10x Over the Cost of 1 Asphalt Overlay!

Asphalt Preservation Service

GSB-88 ® halts surface oxidation and weathering by retaining vital oils and flexibility down inside the pavement where they belong!

Proven Results

State of the art equipment installs a perfect cohesion of binder and aggregate in one pass. Specialty aggregate, synchronized with the anti-aging chemistry of GSB slows the molecular aging and oxidation of pavement.

Applications of GSB-88® 1x every 5 yrs can
double pavement life while reducing overall maintenance costs.
As long as a pavement is structurally sound,
GSB® applications will provide the maximum benefit over time.
Gee Asphalt can demonstrate pavements that have been in a continuous
GSB® Preservation Strategy for 45+ yrs
and are predicted to perform at a high level of service longer than 50 yrs!

GSB-88 is ideal for:

  • Sealing cold joints

  • Shoulder

  • Locking down chip seals

  • Eliminating delimitation

  • Rejuvenating oxidized and moderately raveled pavement

Contact Gee today!
Gilsonite Ore

Gilsonite is the base material for GSB-88 ® asphalt preservation treatments

The use of Gilsonite lowers viscosity by over 30%, increases ductility by 30%, and increases Marshall Stability by almost 40% (strength of binder) after just 5 years!

Found in only two locations on earth, Vernal Utah, and Saudi Arabia, Gilsonite is 99.85% pure mineral "petroleum asphalt" and is compatible with every type of asphalt surface, chip seal, slurry coating or asphalt based process. Raw Gilsonite has not gone through the process of fractioning and therefore retains ALL of the most desirable properties for binding aggregates. When Gilsonite ore is liquified,the mineral resin is the key component in the highly effective GSB-88 ® preservation treatment, and also widely use as a hot mix modifier in many road-building applications including hot mix asphalt curbs.
GSB-88 vs. typical seal coats

GSB-88 ® Penetrates Into the Matrix

GSB-88 High Density

GSB-88 ® asphalt preservation treatments can double pavement life


Long-Lasting Crack Sealing with Gee.

Crack Seal with Gee – Wide gap repair

Gee Spring Cleaning, including Crack Seal.




Everything you need to know about asphalt preservation.

Our Products

and Services

We perform honest, consistent work with superior products anywhere in the United States.



Customer references and links to other websites with more information.

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